26 May 2009

Obama picks Sotomayor to replace Souter

If (when) confirmed by the U.S. Senate, Judge Sonia Sotomayor will become the third female ever to serve on the highest court in the land and the first Puerto Rican. President Obama has been working to name a replacement for President Clinton appointee, Justice David Souter, who turned out to be a better justice than the first President Bush's pick, Justice Kennedy, who needs to undergo psycho-treatment. I do believe President Obama wins the American History Award for picking the scariest looking appointee - even scarier than President G.W. Bush's ice queen - remember Meyer? I would still have preferred a westerner, say anyone west of the Mississippi River. The court is pretty much 9 old brains from the eastern sea board with cabins in the Rockies and beach homes in California - not quite the same as being from the actual region. Balance in geography is just as important as balance in gender and ethnic background and religious affiliation.