24 November 2009

Republicans help keep the Democrats in power - a modern American tradition

It looks like the Republicans are working hard to ensure the Dems stay in power. A guy by the name of Jimmy Lakey is now challenging Ryan Frazier in the 7th Congressional District. Primaries cost a lot of money and expound a lot of manpower just to demonstrate are going to win the primary. Congressman Ed Perlmutter, who has $500,000 in the bank and is working on a $100,000 a month campaign contribution drive, this is before the DNC, 527s, PACs, and big donors start playing. Ryan is polling very well against Perlmutter and has a very real shot of winning, however, if he does win, it will be within 3 of 4% or less, which mean damage sustained in the primary could give that percentage to Perlmutter, allowing him to coast to an easy re-election.