23 May 2010

Paris: Le premier vingt-quatre heure

22 Mai 2010
9.00 AM – Breakfast w/ Stepan at Edinburgh Waverly Train station
10.00 AM - Boarded train for Paris
6.00 PM – travelled through the rain tunnel underneath the English Channel for the first time
7.45 PM – receive text from Quentin (good friend in Edinburgh, at whose sister’s flat I was suppose to stay while in Paris) informing me his sister, Carolina and he had not communicated completely on the weekends and that she would be out of town and thus I would need to find a contingency plan.
8.00 PM – arrive in Paris at Gare de Nord
8.15 PM – use Blackberry and iPhone Internet services to try and locate a hotel, hostel, B & B, or guest house – no luck
9.00 PM – start wondering the streets of Paris, in the area near Gare de Nord and try and locate a place to stay with vacancy.
Mid-night – finally located a place with vacancy – decide to check-in, though something seems odd as the price per room is half as much if I pay by cash, but it has a bed, bath, and wireless Internet.
12.30 AM – eat at McDonalds – Big Mac and fries with a coke – first thing to eat since breakfast.
1.30 AM – in bed, but hear the sounds of love making in the rooms on either side and above and below – I guess Paris is the city of love, though the exchange of footsteps throughout the night makes me wonder if this might be more than just a cheap hotel.
23 Mai 2010
9.00 AM – wake-up
10.30 AM – leave hotel with a mission of finding another hotel for that night.
PM – having had no luck of finding another place to stay decide to bite-the-bullet and stay at the same place, while I am bummed, I figure it is for only one night. The next three nights I booked a hostel to say in Montmartre.
1.45 PM – arrive at Jardin du Luxemburg
2.00 PM – have the most amazing glace du crème