16 July 2010

A Conversation with five Republican Governors

Not many Americans are privy to a conversation among five governors from across the United States, however on Thursday, 16 July 2010, I was a listening member of a discussion which was completely non-politically-correct, policy based, and void of stump speech rhetoric. The event hosted by the Aspen Institute and the Republican Governors Association, featured Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, and Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

The conversation came just hours after British Petroleum (BP) announced they had finally stopped the flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Gov. Haley Barbour said the cap is only to be seen as a temporary fix and that a permanent solution is from the relief wells. All five governors agreed Pres. Obama’s ban on off-shore drilling was bad for the gulf state’s economies. Not only has the oil leak damaged the tourism, fishing, and related industries, but the ban on drilling has resulted in the laying off of thousands of workers employed by oil & gas companies. The analogy of ceasing all air travel following a major airplane crash was used to describe the logic behind the oil drilling ban.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry was dressed all in black with a t-shirt and a leather sports coat. The lettering on the t-shirt read, “Marshall Law”. Gov. Perry jokingly commented he didn’t think a shirt declaring succession would fly. Gov. Perry went on to say it was the name of a new band in Texas and that he was wanting to give them a little regional publicity as he is all about helping businesses succeed and become profitable. This allowed Gov. Perry to segue-way into talking about how competition and business are the driving forces of America.