Pres. Barak Obama’s first, hopefully only, term policies has resulted in business unfriendly ta
x policies, vast government spending and burdensome new financial and health care regulations. Not to mention an industry killing moratorium on deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico which provides a quarter of all oil consumed in the United States. The combination of these policies has resulted in unemployment soaring to 10 per cent and many small businesses struggling to stay in existence.
This president has the audacity of pointing fingers at everyone from a Cambridge, Mass. police officer to business and industry leaders. Somehow he has managed to depict both Wall Street and BP as "fat cat bankers", engaging in "reckless practices", a label which has managed to put-off many former supporters within the business community. Instead of working with those within the business and industry, Obama has opted to point his index finger and use his bully pulpit to tell the world, whom he thinks is liable to the world for damages. What happened to the mantra of former American Pres. Harry S. Truman, the one that went, “The buck stops here”? What hasn’t been the fault of “big business,” “fat cat bankers,” “failed Bush years,” a “broken system” or “racist Republicans,” seems to be the fault of “a maverick general,” “bigoted police officer,” “employers” or “insurance companies”.
This finger pointing president started blaming BP for the oil leak, after BP told the nation they fully accepted responsibility and were going to “make it right”. Where was the president during the first few weeks of the disaster – holidaying, attending a Paul McCartney concert and hanging out with Hollywood celebrities? Not bad for a guy “deeply concerned” for the people of the Gulf States.
Can Pres. Obama deliver a single speech without having to raise his hand and turn it into a physical finger point at the camera? Instead of blaming everyone and their dog for the problems facing America, perhaps the president would be well served to stand-up and tell the nation the “buck stops here!” There are no simple solutions, but there are intelligent choices and those choices come from surrounding yourself with advisors who are willing to think outside the box and conjure up creative alternatives to cyclical failed policies.
Policy items which should be tackled are reducing excessive government spending, creating a plan to pay down the deficit, loosening financial regulation to give small businesses the liquidity to return to work and start hiring again, sending soldiers to the US-Mexico border to bring peace and security to an ever-growing national security threat. Taking steps to stop illegal immigration and then working with employers to design an effective guest worker programme to meet the needs of the nation’s agricultural sector. Allowing American soldiers abroad to either fight or come on home. The bulk of the agenda should be centred on domestic affairs, as the world is best served by a healthy American economy that can import and export goods, in return helping bring the world’s economies back on their feet.
The United States should lead by example, not by bold words and finger pointing. The alternative is this headline: While Obama finger pointed, America burned and the world states left them in the dust.

This president has the audacity of pointing fingers at everyone from a Cambridge, Mass. police officer to business and industry leaders. Somehow he has managed to depict both Wall Street and BP as "fat cat bankers", engaging in "reckless practices", a label which has managed to put-off many former supporters within the business community. Instead of working with those within the business and industry, Obama has opted to point his index finger and use his bully pulpit to tell the world, whom he thinks is liable to the world for damages. What happened to the mantra of former American Pres. Harry S. Truman, the one that went, “The buck stops here”? What hasn’t been the fault of “big business,” “fat cat bankers,” “failed Bush years,” a “broken system” or “racist Republicans,” seems to be the fault of “a maverick general,” “bigoted police officer,” “employers” or “insurance companies”.
This finger pointing president started blaming BP for the oil leak, after BP told the nation they fully accepted responsibility and were going to “make it right”. Where was the president during the first few weeks of the disaster – holidaying, attending a Paul McCartney concert and hanging out with Hollywood celebrities? Not bad for a guy “deeply concerned” for the people of the Gulf States.
Can Pres. Obama deliver a single speech without having to raise his hand and turn it into a physical finger point at the camera? Instead of blaming everyone and their dog for the problems facing America, perhaps the president would be well served to stand-up and tell the nation the “buck stops here!” There are no simple solutions, but there are intelligent choices and those choices come from surrounding yourself with advisors who are willing to think outside the box and conjure up creative alternatives to cyclical failed policies.
Policy items which should be tackled are reducing excessive government spending, creating a plan to pay down the deficit, loosening financial regulation to give small businesses the liquidity to return to work and start hiring again, sending soldiers to the US-Mexico border to bring peace and security to an ever-growing national security threat. Taking steps to stop illegal immigration and then working with employers to design an effective guest worker programme to meet the needs of the nation’s agricultural sector. Allowing American soldiers abroad to either fight or come on home. The bulk of the agenda should be centred on domestic affairs, as the world is best served by a healthy American economy that can import and export goods, in return helping bring the world’s economies back on their feet.
The United States should lead by example, not by bold words and finger pointing. The alternative is this headline: While Obama finger pointed, America burned and the world states left them in the dust.