05 November 2008

University of Edinburgh students gather to watch American Presidential results

Edinburgh students don home made T-shirts showing their support for Democrat Barack Obama.Edinburgh, Great Britain – Literally hundreds of students gathered to watch the results of the American Presidential race in numerous venues around the university. By mid-night, GMT, the first results were beginning to show and cheers went up as McCain seemed to be showing signs of a possible victory in Virginia and Indiana. However, these initial cheers where brought to a stand still as more and more students began filling the local pubs and student union wearing Obama T-shirts. Obama supporters began cheering whenever anything blue appeared on the giant television screens.

It is currently 1:00 PM GMT and the only cheers are for Barack Obama. Some students are wandering around with painted blue faces, others are wearing home made T-shirts which have such slogans as, “Obama Rocks my World,” “God Save Obama,” “Go Blue,” and “My Ass is Sexy Again (with a picture of a donkey and Sen. Obama).

CNN plays on the big screen TV as updates of the American Election slowly make there way across the pond.Many Brits are saying that Barack Obama will be the world's leader and will Sheppard in a new era of foreign policy. Still many from Europe can only cite Obama's calls for “change,” “hope,” and idea of “yes we can,” as being their central premise for their affinity towards the Illinois senator. When asked why Senator John McCain would not make a good president, many in Europe say he is too “old” and a re-incarnation of of George Bush. Others say it is time for America to finally have an African American in the White House.

The excitement is amazing! The world is watching and waiting to see who American will select to lead the world. It is interesting to note how prior to Election Day the tone was that American was an influential nation has become cheers of American selecting a world leader.

A law student from Portugal commented she thought every nation should have a vote in the American presidency, as the office is so crucial in the affairs of the globe. This view would be quite different when taken with the American perspective which tends to think inwardly, rather than externally. With Florida going for Obama, it looks as if the Republicans hopes of a John McCain presidency made be rapidly fading to the trendy, super stardom of the youthly looking Barack Obama.

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