11 November 2008

Israeli Ambassador to the UK faces protesters...

I thought everyone might enjoy hearing about my evening. I heard about a major address to be delivered by His Excellency Ron Prosor, Israeli Ambassador to the United Kingdom, on "The Middle East Today: Regional Challenges, Global Implications." It was televised by the BBC and was covered by the major news media in the UK. It wasn't really a student event, even though the address was given at the University of Edinburgh's McEwan Hall. When I heard about the address, I sent an email to the Vice Chancellor's Office requesting the opportunity to be able to listen to this address. I was emailed back asking for my pass port number, student number, and mailing address. By certified mail, my ticket for the event arrived on Saturday. Ron Prosor has been Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Court of St. James since Nov., 2007. Prior to his appointment, he served as Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from October, 2004 until June, 2006. Before assuming his post, Prosor acted as Senior Deputy Director General of the Ministry and Chief of Policy Staff to the Foreign Minister. McEwan Hall was surrounded by police when I arrived at 4.30 PM GMT to line up for the security screening, which involved metal detectors, pat downs, and the confiscation of all food, bags, and containers. Upon entry, I discovered I was in a reserved seat in the very front row, directly in front of the podium. By 6.00 PM, the Ambassador was being introduced and began delivering his speech. At the end of the speech, he said he would accept a handful of questions. At that moment in time a man stood up in the back, began shouting terrorist and US lover and ran to the podium. Secret Service of which there were 10 visible agents, tackled the man and immediately hand cuffed him and escorted him out. The crowd seemed to be focused on asking the Ambassador why Israel was suppressing the human rights of Palestinians and questions to due with the use of force in the Middle East, rather than diplomatic means. After the speech, the police had to protect the audience from rioters who were from the Palestinian side. The rioters and protesters where outside McEwan hall. I left late and took photos of those who remained protesting the Israeli Ambassador.

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