24 October 2009

At what age... is legal personality aquired for certain acts in Scotland?

1. Commit a crime?
a. 8 yrs.
b. Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1991, s. 41
2. Get an ASBO?
a. 12 yrs to 16 yrs.
b. Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004, s. 4(2)(a)
3. Get a part-time job?
a. 14 yrs
b. S. 28 1937 Act
4. Consent to heterosexual sex?
a. 12 yrs.
b. The definition of rape is sex without consent, and if you are legally too young to consent to sex, then by default sexual intercourse under the age or consent is statutory rape.
c. 12-13 unlawful sex
d. 13-16 unlawful sexual intercourse
Defence: Male can claim husband and marriage, but only once.
Defence: If male is under 24 he can claim he thought she was over 16, but only once.
5. Consent to homosexual sex?
a. 16 yrs
b. See: Criminal law (Scotland) Consolidation Act 2001, s. 13(1)
6. Buy cigarettes?
a. 18 yrs.
b. Children and young person act 1937, social health care Scotland act
7. Enter a legally binding contract?
a. Any age
b. See: Age of Legal Capacity (Scotland) Act 1991, s. 1(1)(b) also see: s. 2
8. Access personal records?
a. 12 yrs
b. Data Protection Act 1998, s. 66 (Scotland only)
9. Consent to medical treatment?
a. Under 16 yrs.
b. See: Age of Legal Capacity (Scotland) Act 1991, s. 2(4)
10. Have a piercing?
a. 16 yrs, but younger with consent of parents
b. Licensing of skin piercing and tattooing order 2006, Para. 5, Schedule
11. Have a tattoo?
a. 18 yrs