27 October 2009

Colorado politics: The GOP is lining up a royal flush, will the Dems bluff or fold?

Duncan McArthur, the Treasurer of the Mesa County Republican Party has joined the race to replace Colorado State Representative Steve King (R-HD 54). I have been sought out to give advice to several potential candidates and took the approach of saying: Don't ignore Delta County and remember we are part of HD 54 and have a weight which is a significant element to the race.

Bob Hislop and Ray Scott are the other two candidates running for HD 54. Bob is retired from the secret service and from being a VP at Paul Mitchell. Ray owns a local gas products company. Bob is fairly new to Grand Junction and Ray is a long time resident, neither have much name recognition in the party at a local or state level. Rep. Steve King is staying neutral. Rep. Laura Bradford (R-HD 55) will more than likely endorse Duncan McArthur. Hislop and Scott both have excellent opportunities for capitalizing on a message of change and being novices to the political game.

Wanye Wolf running is noble, but he should recognize that hell will freeze over before he would defeat Sen. Gail Schwartz (D-SD 5). I was offered the opportunity to manage Bob Rankin's campaign against Gail Schwartz, as he has an arsenal which quite possibly could sink the Schwartz re-election ship. All I can say on this point is stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed.

Scott Tipon running against John Salazar again is also a noble ambition, but one which if he loses could more than likely end his political career, though if successful, he would be powerful player in Washington's freshman class based on the anecdote alone. I see what Scott is thinking. Ritter is very much dead in the water come Nov. 2010, the Dems are going to be fighting major Republican challengers at many levels, so the logic is that the Dems will fund the most important races and let John Salazar go if need be. My thought is that a congressman with a brother in the Federal Cabinet is not going to be hung out to dry.

This is a very exciting season for Colorado politics: Josh Penry and Scott McInnis running to challenge Gov. Ritter. Jane Norton running to challenge US Sen. Mike Bennet (Bennett has his own challenger in Andrew Romanoff - do I dare say Go Andy!). The awesome Scott Gessler taking on Sec. of State Bernie Buescher. J.J. Ament and Walker Stapleton are challenging each other to then run against State Treas. Cary Kennedy. Ryan Frazier is now challenging US Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-7th CD - Bob Beauprez's fmr seat) - Frazier has a really good chance to beat Perlmutter, especially since Perlmutter is going through a nasty divorce. I would love to see Scott Tipton replace John Salazar and to have Don Coram as the State Representative from HD 58. With all of these terrific candidates we can expect to see Obama visit Colorado often during the campaign season, as the worst thing for him would be to have major losses for the Dems out of Colorado - the state that coronated Obama - the world's messiah - grr.. Hopefully Josh or Scott will have long coat tails and will help fellow Republicans down the ticket.

My day will come to run for public office, but for now finishing my law degree, passing the bar exam and establishing my professional qualifications for running are very important to me. By the way, I won my first moot court trial today!!! The preparation alone took about 60 hours last week and my notes look like a mini book, but defeating the girl from Harvard - priceless!!!