10 October 2009

Nobel prize premature

American President Barack Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize is like Olympian Jesse Owens winning
the gold medal in 1936, before actually running the race. The Nobel prize should not be treated as a
mandate, but as an award for contributing to the peace of the world. I highly doubt that when Obama was nominated for the award on Feb. 1 (10 days after taking office) he had contributed to the peace of the world, with the exception of not being Mr. Bush. Prizes and awards should be given for accomplishments, not for anticipated accomplishments or outcomes. Former American President Jimmy Carter did not win the Nobel Peace Prize until 2002, almost 20 years after leaving the Oval Office. This was a capstone to an amazing career of working towards world peace through diplomacy, humanitarian efforts, and working with the public and private communities to improve the lives of people around the world. The Nobel Committee needs to re-assess if it is giving the prize as an award or an encouragement for earning the award. Mr. Obama needs to actually do something to show he deserves this great award.
See: Delta County Independent